You marry not because you are growing in number, not because your parents saying, not because society saying, and not because your all friends are married. You marry because you’ve found the love of your dream.
A loyal faithful wife, a job you are passionate about, travelling, eating what you like, and the country in which you want to live- your life is fulfilled.
What is the greatest truth? Impossible is nothing.
Travel. Lose yourself in the ecstasy of travelling. It is the only drug you need to find yourself.
Don’t try to be successful. Just build and improve your skills. Skills is success.
Don’t waste your time pleasing every girl. Find a woman for journey rather than destinations.
You get to learn and do something when you have nothing and when you have need.
You always hope for your broken relationship to be mended to whom you dearly, unselfishly and selflessly love.
Before you die, you must fulfill your dreams, at least one dream.
Social media is a sin. It is ruining relationship rather than making it. You must talk to whom you want to talk.
It is really in true sense that impossible is nothing. You have to get into that void to fill yourself.
If you have set your goal to achieve something, achieve it. Kill or get killed.
Everything is psychologically manipulated. As suited, you are fooled or made wise to submit to it.
How much you have achieved or not doesn’t matter but you must have ambitions.
You must do, anything that you want to do. Idleness is more than death.
Distances in love are as important as nearness.
You must love whole heartedly someone but not on the condition of disrespect.
Magic only happens when you do.
Thought is smoke. And too much smoke could suffocate you.
Sometimes nothing is better.
We convince ourselves for our limitation gently rather than exploring, and fear going beyond. We all live like sheep.
There is no substitute for hard work.
Everybody talks about philosophies but no one lives according to them. Everybody hates practical but everybody lives according to it.
Some butterflies you can’t catch. You have to be that flower where they want to sit forever.
Find a habit or passion provided you don’t need anyone to hangout with. Then breakups are easy to tolerate.
We all are mean. Admit it.
Noise and movement are necessary in life.
Build yourself enough that you can have everything you want.
Be the man only a few could have you.
You must accomplish something worthful in life provided you die peacefully.